Solar and Wind Power: Technologies and Applications
Saudi Arabia plans to generate 50% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2030. To meet this target it would require huge efforts by the stakeholders across the board. This 5-day short course has been designed to help with capacity building in the field of solar energy and wind power. Through its diverse yet focused range of topics, it will provide valuable insight into technology fundamentals, design principles and application, economics and policy dimensions, and local and international trends and best practices. For further information, the coordinator for the course, Professor Muhammad Asif can be contacted at or 0540649188.
Sunday, 24 Dec 2023
8:00 a.m.
Solar and Wind Power: Technologies and Applications
Saudi Arabia plans to generate 50% of its electricity from renewable energy by 2030. To meet this target it would require huge efforts by the stakeholders across the board. This 5-day short course has been designed to help with capacity building in the field of solar energy and wind power. Through its diverse yet focused range of topics, it will provide valuable insight into technology fundamentals, design principles and application, economics and policy dimensions, and local and international trends and best practices. For further information, the coordinator for the course, Professor Muhammad Asif can be contacted at or 0540649188.
Sunday, 24 Dec 2023
8:00 a.m.